Friday, November 28, 2014

ROYAL breakfasts

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, and since I almost  never have a chance to eat it sitting on the dining table due to my crazy morning life style which mainly consists of poor me sitting on my desk at school and holding a sandwich in one hand with a red pen in the other,,,I even drink cold teas sometimes ,,imagine!! ME AND COLD TEA!!! ,,,so I try my best to throw a party (breakfast party) on weekend mornings. ( it happens rarely so you wont think I'm a super mommy :p )
It all started in my parents house, we make big deal out of Friday breakfasts and my dad gets the fresh bread from the bakery along with all kinds of cheese and fresh juice. Then we all sit afterwards and have our coffee together with the finest chocolate,,,there hasn't been a day when chocolate was out at my parents house. God bless them and may those joyful mornings never end.
So, I made this tiny feast to my dear hubby and kids and Mariam gave me the best compliment I could ever get and said: mommy your breakfast is just ROYAL! love her to bits and pieces.

Nothing compares to the pleasure given to you by a hot, fresh cup of tea


  1. A555 my dear Sumaya, this is the part that I miss the most... Friday mornings and coffee :(((

  2. I always find it difficult to comment on your blog posts! Mashalla.. gorgeous !
    May Allah bless you and your family and parents .. :*

  3. Finally a new post... Wonderful pics... Keep it up

  4. thank you my precious friends
    and Ola,,wala yhemik ,,you just come with your little princess and we will make breakfast feasts everyday :*
