Wednesday, October 23, 2013

أسهل ابل باي على وجه الكرة الارضية

اسهل ابل باي على وجه الكرة الارضية للناس الكسلانين امثالي ,,,,والطريقة من صاحبتي رباب الله يرضى عليها بما انها ام عاملة متلي فا اكيد بجمعنا الحس الفني المشترك :) ازا انتو كسلانين  عمليين متلي بنصحكم تجربوها لانو عنجد سريعه وهبله وزاكيه كتير
ماما...سامحيني عملتلك خيانه وجربت ابل باي تانيه غير وصفتك الخرافيه المشهوره المتوارثه منذ زمن,,,,لانو وبكل تواضع ما عم تزبط معي
الخلل مني مش من الوصفه :) المهم خلونا بالابل باي تاعتي : الهبله السريعه والزاكيه كتير كتييييير 

اصبع زبده بحرارة الغرفه
3 كاسات طحين 
1,1/5 كاسة زيت نباتي 
1, 1/5كاسة لبن رايب
1 ملعقه كبيره بيكنج باودر

4 تفاحات يتم تقشيرها وبرشها 
2 ملعقة كبيرة قرفه
2 ملعقة كبيره سكر
انا اضفت جوز ,,,طازه اجاني من الشيشان وبالتحديد من الشجرة  اللي بحوش قرايبنا هناك ,,,عادي ما تتعقدو,بينفع ابو الكيلو ب 8 دنانير من اي سوبر ماركت
ممكن تضيفو زبيب كمان 

يفرك الطحين مع الزبدة جيدا ثم تضاف المواد الاخرى,,,,ههههه دايمن بالوصفات بنقلب عالعربي الفصحى ,,يا ترى ليش؟ 
تضاف المواد الاخرى  وتعجن جيدا وتترك عا جنب

هلأ هون عامل الكسل بيشتغل,,,,يا اما بتكونو معدلات وبتعملوها عالطرقة التقليدية,,,زي ماما واختي سوسن ,,,شغل حبكة بالعجين واوراق شجر وقصص او بتختصرو الوقت  والجهد وخلايا المخ وبتعملوها على شكل قنابل :)))) مو احلا؟؟

تخبز بفرن حار وتزيين بالسكر المطحون 
يسلمو رباب :)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Flower pot card

One of the best things about inviting friends over my house is making favors and giveaways for each and every one of them just to make them feel special.
You can go really simple if you have a low budget. Buy a cheap mug and fill it with some cookies and tea bags, wrap in fancy ribbons and here you go,,,a nice favor that your guests would totally appreciate.
You can also make simple thank you cards .Here is a very nice and easy tutorial that shows how a flower pot card is made.
My friends loved these and I was glad to teach couple of my colleagues at school how to make them.

The perks of being a teacher

Would be in having sweet notes from amazing young ladies and have them put on my fridge that I use as a motivational board and wake up each and every morning to that great amount of love and encouragement.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

My Tea Time

So when it comes to tea I have to show you my new tea pot,,,
just in love with how funky it is. 
Well,,in my family tea has a story and I guess it`s the case in all cultures,,tea has its respectable status. 
You invite people over tea, you serve tea at gatherings and meetings, you expect tea when you visit people and surly there has to be a cleansing tea cup after a full meal.
We as Chechens make tea using two tea pots , one for boiling plain water and the other small one is adjusted on top containing brewed tea.
My dad likes his tea with a slice of lemon and mom likes it a bit dark. We never add herbs mind some mint in summer and I recently started adding sage to it, especially in winter.
I just love my hot tea cup first thing in the morning and the most amazing part of the day is when hubby and I set in the kitchen and have our teas together after dinner,,,I really cherish that half an hour of the day.
My tea has people,,,long list actually ,,those are the ones that make the taste of it better.
And what is there better than an amazing cup of tea along with a good book?

My tea cupboard is full of all types of tea that  we always get  as gifts from visitors and relatives who go to Chechnya ( I told you tea has a story in my family).
The most amazing and cool tea gift I got was from my sister Ilham. It`s a kind of tea that changes its shape slowly once you pour hot water over it. I once read that it was given as a gift from the Chinese Emperor to Mary Antoinette and she just loved it.

A nice tea box,,, 

This is the strange tea bun 

look how amazingly it blooms.