Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Recycle Bin

It's unbelievable how much paper we collect in this house!! So I thought why not recycle it,,,yeah well,, I'm a good citizen you know :P
My kid's school sends tons and tons of paper every end of the week ,,let alone those sent during the week and those I throw away.
They take back the paper for recycling and encourage students to do so, but if you want to start recycling and don't know where to take your trash then there are a lot of places in Amman where you can put your recyclable trash in,,,of course plastic glass and metal is included.
last week we got crafty and I indulged the kids in making a recycle bin to put in Sultan's room,,,it's next to his desk and it used to be an ugly cardboard box till we up-cycled it and gave it a little make over. Now it's all dandy and matches his room.
The great thing is that it's recognized in my house and we all use it. Whenever I tell them throw this in the bin they immediately do as told.
All you need is a cardboard box and contact paper or maybe a trash bin that you will only use for this purpose.

Life cant go on without sharpies,no?

I also used washi tape,,,for those who don't know it ,its an adhesive ribbon created and first used by Japanese. You can use any other thing

Printed out a logo,,,

 And here you go,,

 If you wish to take the recycled products to a bin yourself here is where you can go:
1) Cozmo – 7th circle

2) Cozmo express - Abdoun (very small bin)
3) Blue Fig - Orange bins donated by Netherlands Embassy Recycling Program


  1. Love it...I see you started to use the stationary supply your husband got you...great job..

  2. Best tip I got in months .. I always end up with tons of papers and It takes me a lot of begging to send it to a school doing recycle stuff. Always creative Allah ye7miki :*

  3. thank u manal and deena,,i knew u two wud be first to comment :*

  4. At the end of each semester my mother let us organize our desks and throw away all excess papers, of course after we put the ones that we can re-use away ( especially Arabic notebooks , and my journal notebooks ,, i like to keep them ! )
    There is a recycle bin for papers next to ( Al Taqwa Mosque ) near Montessori Schools and this is where we discard all these papers..
    Another way to use them is to give away all these papers to students who you know can make a good use of them ,, I remember that my eldest sister's Tawjihi notes circulated among four generations until they were totally out of use and we decided to recycle them .
    It scares me how much paper we all use all year ! and I like to make good use of it :)

  5. amazing ya Asma,,im so proud of you. didnt know there was a recycle bin in Khalda area.
    keep it up :*
