Saturday, March 7, 2015


100 things I would love you to read my precious Mariam once you are all grown up and can see this. It might go on many posts and I might add more than 100 

1. Always remember that you and your precious brother are the best thing that ever happened to me and your dad.

2. You are absolutely unique, no one is like you so never try to copy others ,your plan is different than theirs REMEMBER that.

3. Lists are your friend. Make them and enjoy the glorious feeling  of crossing off an item.

4. Connect to nature, it is always a cheap therapy.

5. Write journals, I did once and it makes me laugh my lungs out every time I read how I used to see things when I was that age.

6. The biggest sin you will ever commit is judging people who sin differently than you do.

7. Pay close attention to how Dada Murad treats your Nana.

8. You have a savior who will always be at your side no matter what, listen to Washi Sultan he loves you from the depth of his heart.

9. Its OK to be silly at times, to cry in public, and to play hide and seek with your kids.

10. Speaking of which, I'm not a free baby sitter for your kids, I will be too busy having meetings and breakfasts with ladies from the elite society once I'm old :p Naa, just kidding, I will take them with me where ever I go.

11. You are never too old to play on monkey bars.

12. Friends will make you or break you, be careful and choose wisely.

13. Quraan has the answer to all your problems, if you think you still haven't found the answer, read harder.

14. Animals sometimes understand us better than humans, cuddle  an animal when you feel lonely.

15. LAUGH  every single day, a good sense of humor is worth gold.

16. Be around people who lift you up.Rope up with people who make you feel amazing.

17. There is nothing called " No time" its all about your priorities, if you are still not convinced re -read number 3.

18. You have 13 brothers and sisters: Sultan, Abdalla, Edrees,Hamza, Dergham, Mekdam, Ghazi, Abdulrahman, Adam, Mouath, Jad, and the sweetest two, Sarah and Maleka. Sleepovers are always a good idea, I promise I wont get mad but you promise to wash the dishes of your late night parties.

19. NEVER think that covering you hair is a punishment because it's beautiful, its a privilege not many get to comprehend.

20. True love is sleeping next to each 
other for a bedtime story.

       to be continued...


  1. Ohh I love this so much! and I wish my Jana could get sleepovers ... she is the only girl among 10 grandchildren :D
    keep the creativity coming .. and by the way .. Those pics :'( :'(

  2. Oh poor Jana,,, Im sure she has lots of friends at school to fill that vacancy, and plus she is the pampered princess in the family Im sure,,much love :* :*
